Display Time As: Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds.Check this option to limit the duration of MIDI and audio files to the region of measures specified in the options above. Observe Playback Region when saving to a MIDI or audio file.The default setting tells Finale to play to the end of the piece, but you can enter a number into the Measure text box-or click the arrows-to specify a certain stopping point.

These controls let you specify where playback should stop.

Or, by entering a small range and repeatedly clicking the Play button, you can, in effect, "loop" through a certain segment. Using the Start and Stop options, you can even tell Finale to play measures that aren’t on the screen. Alternatively, you can select the Leftmost Measure displayed on the screen or the current measure displayed in the counter setting box of the Playback Controls. Enter a number into the text box (or click the arrows to change the number). Using these options, specify where you want Finale to begin playback the default settings tell Finale to play from Measure _. In other words, you can make the piece generally softer by decreasing this number (but individual dynamics within the piece will still override the playback control settings). Finale calculates the effect of dynamic markings (expressions) based on this number. (Key velocity is usually equated with volume, but not always. This number, on a scale from 0 (silent) to 127 (very loud), establishes the overall key velocity setting for the playback of your piece. Click on the Swing Values drop-down list to select from several levels of swing or type the percentage of swing in the text box (0% = no swing, 100% = standard swing). If you’ve created an Expression with a Swing effect, the expression will override this control. This control allows you to apply a swing feel to the entire piece. Click this button to open the Human Playback Preferences within the Preferences dialog box, where you can control how Human Playback handles existing MIDI data and make additional settings. Choose Custom to open the Human Playback Custom Style dialog box where you can configure custom Human Playback Settings. You can turn off human Playback by choosing None from this list. These settings also apply to saved MIDI files (*.MID) and SmartMusic Accompaniment files (*.SMPX). The Human Playback performance will include existing expressions, Smart Shapes,and other markings in its interpretation based on the style chosen. When any Human Playback Style is chosen, all other MIDI data deliberately applied to the document ,including data added with the MIDI and Expression tool, is ignored in favor of the Human Playback settings. Adjustments to the MIDI performance data in tempo, note duration, key velocity, and other MIDI attributes are applied throughout Finale’s performance. Finale uses the style chosen to emulate a human performance during playback. Human Playback Style: From this drop-down list, you can choose a playback style such as romantic, jazz, blues, or classical.Finale automatically pre-scans the music before playing when the pointer reaches the edge of the window, Finale advances to the next screen of music. Check this option if you want Finale to show a pointer as the music plays back. In this dialog box, you can define Finale’s handling of a number of playback variables, for real-time playback and exported MIDI and Audio files. Click on the Playback Settings button on the Playback Controls.